Your guide to becoming a better man




As part of the summer of style – 2012 series we wanted to add a little something to that oh so dapper suit. We are a stylish bunch at Elysium Towers (yes we are!) and there is one accessory that really gets us the attention we deserve around the streets of London – the trusty pocket square.


There are few accessories for men have the ability to go from fashionable to functional in a second like a well-folded pocket square. A silk pocket-square is best used to add that dash of color and style to your wardrobe, and proper pocket square folds add a touch of uniqueness to your overall look. They also help you get more mileage out of a suit when out and about on business. Changing your shirt, and tie, is a daily requirement but a new pocket square rounds out the look and gives it a freshness that only this accessory can achieve.


Master the following pocket square folds to add a touch of class to your suits. There are a number of different styles for you to choose from so here is a selection of our favourites:


The Presidential 



The fold that one – it shows one corner is the most common way to fold a pocket square. It is especially well suited for pocket squares made from a thicker linen type fabric, as this type of material can be stiffened using a little bit starch, and ironed to keep is straight. The one corner up pocket square fold is well suited when wearing a necktie.




Three corners up Pocket Square fold


The three three corners up give the pocket square a good hold, and the tips of the corners tend to stay straight. On the other hand, having a bottom that is not straight, might cause the pocket square to slip and become cricket. This fold is therefore best suited for a pocket square that is either made from linen, fine cotton or a thicker and stiffer silk.




The classic flat pocket square fold




The classic flat folding method is one of the easiest ways to fold a pocket square. The pocket square is flat at the bottom and only about 1/2 inch of the fabric sticks out of the pocket. This fold is exceptionally well suited for even the finest and thinest silk fabrics. It classy look compliments particularly formal black tie attire.




The “puff” pocket square fold


Next to the classic fold, the “puff” folding technique is one of the simplest one to master. Since the “puff” look is what is desired, fine silk pocket squares are the top pick. The finer and softer the fabric the better. The puff fold looks great when matching the pocket square color and fabric with the necktie. It is well suited for business, wedding parties, and other events during the day. For formal black tie attire, the puff fold is less suited.


Pocket squares are available from all major stores that stock suits and mens accessories and prices range from £5 to £70 depending on the quality.


What do you think of the pocket square? Fashion Friendly or Fashion Farce? Tweet and let us know.