Game of Thrones Season 3


The long wait for the return of Game of Thrones is almost over. That’s right – season three returns on 31 March 2013 and if the trailer is anything to go by its going to be the best one yet.


In the novel, the War of the Five Kings continues, with Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy, Joffrey Baratheon, and Stannis Baratheon all fighting to secure their crowns. We know that Sannis Baratheon’s attempt to take King’s Landing was unsuccessful and now House Tyrell has joined House Lannister in supporting Joffrey.


Game-Of-Thrones @ Elysium Magazine


In the North, wildlings are marching towards the Wall under Mance Ryder’s authority and there’s only a small group of Night’s Watch members to stop them. In the far east, Daenerys Targaryen is on her way back to Pentos, hoping to raise forces to retake the Iron Throne. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the season is seeing Daenerys’ dragons, who have certainly grown since the last time we saw them.


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The extended trailer gives us a glimpse of what we will see in late March – the good news is that the UK will see the episodes the day after the USA.


The third in the series promises to be much punchier than the last – for more information visit: Game of Thrones