You spend the working week looking after yourself. You might hit the gym to keep that healthy body in good shape and working order. You dress in a way that reflects your persona – suited and booted or trendy and casual – either way, it’s the discerning gent. You also have all the latest gadgets and tech going on – the phone, the iPad and the computer. You are the definition of style and substance – until you reach for your pocket to reveal a chewed up biro when the moment arrives for your signature to sign off some of the most important moments in your life!
Attention to the details is what sets the discerning gent apart against those that aren’t. It’s an element that Elysium has been stressing since our inception. Why spend the money and effort to project the stylish and suave you, only to let it down by the pen you use? When you think life is full of important moments when your signature is required – that job contract, signing off the big deal, the paperwork for the deeds of your home and all those birthday, anniversary and valentines cards through the years.
Moments of such significance need a pen that is worthy for the task. One that caught the eye of the Elysium team comes from the new Daring range in the Parker Ingenuity Collection – finished with metal detail and textured soft-touch rubber in black. The strong bold design has a powerful masculine feel to it, while the weight of the pen is very satisfying in the hand. This is the kind of fine writing instrument you want to dot the i’s and cross those t’s.
The pen is exceptionally smooth to write with, gliding across the paper. This has something to do with the smart glide tip that adjusts to your personal writing style after just a few words. The tip itself is cleverly made to look like a fountain pen but instead uses a new type of tip – Parker 5th Technology. It’s the beauty of a fountain pen, with the smoothness and precision of a roller ball wrapped in the robustness of the ball point pen. With this in mind, you need not worry about ink cartridges leaking onto your immaculately pressed white cotton shirt.
Attention to the little details really makes the discerning gent stand head and shoulders above the ordinary. Updating your tired old biro for something that radiates style and precision, ensuring the rest of your kit isn’t let down by the one instrument that leaves it mark on some of the most crucial dotted lines in your life.
The Parker Ingenuity Collection is available from RRP £135, with refills in black and blue inks (fine or medium) RRP £5.50.