Having focused on spirits for the last few months, the drinks cabinet of yours now has a mighty fine selection from across the world. But having a drinks cabinet only made up of spirits would seem a little imbalanced. The discerning gent also likes dabble in fine wines too, so at Elysium Towers we though it was high time we introduced some vino into the mix. So this week’s recommendation for your drinks cabinet is the distinguished Château Petrus 1982 red wine.


You’re probably wondering why we’ve broken with tradition to introduce a wine into the hallowed drinks cabinet. Well, this isn’t your ordinary bottle of plonk, and it’s not something you’ll find during your weekly supermarket sweep. No my friend, this is one that’s steeped in history and maintains its status as one of the world’s most coveted wines.


Hailing from the iron-rich clay soil of a revered plateau in Bordeaux, France, where the grapes benefit from a concentrated approach to growth that produces very small quantities of fruit – but of which the juice is of a more powerful quality. It’s this focused approach that ensures the flavour of the wine, but also its hefty price tag too. Nurturing of this calibre doesn’t come cheap. For such a price you’re getting a fine red wine of rare depth of colour and clarity of flavour unlike any other to have passed your palette.


Of course, for such expense, only the biggest of celebrations should be used as an excuse to pull the cork on this particular bottle. Liken such celebrations to Napoleon’s coup of the French Government in 1799 (the coup of 18 Brumaire) or more recently when France coach Aimé Jacquet toasted monumental elation as he guided France to World Cup victory in 1998. We are talking jubilation on a massive scale.


Shifting the attention back to you however, you’ve worked hard over the last year and maybe you find yourself with a healthy bonus packet to spend. This could be that extravagant purchase, or considered as an alternative investment. Either way, it’s a welcomed addition to the drinks cabinet of the discerning gent, each sip reassuringly expensive.


The Château Petrus 1982 is priced at £4,320 per bottle (inclusive of VAT) and is available from The Antique Wine Company. For further details visit: www.antique-wine.com