The biggest honor in Hollywood is receiving an Oscar. The blood, sweat and tears all push actors, actresses and directors towards the one award that cements their name in Hollywood history. The Oscar awards are just around the corner and Elysium Magazine reviewed the nominations and picked out our favourites to win the little golden man. Seth MacFarlance and Emma Stone will not need to wait for the big day to see who will win; you read it here first!





Despite movies such as Lincoln, Life of Pi and Zero Dark Thirty in the nominations list, we believe it will be Argo’s year at the Academy Awards.


Beast of the Southern Wild

Zero Dark Thirty



Life of Pi

Les Miserables


Silver Linings Playbook

Django Unchained


BEST ACTRESS: Jennifer Lawrence



A fantastic role in Silver Linings Playbook will see Lawrence take the gold this year. Elysium Towers were torn between Lawrence and Chastain, both amazing actresses but the flip of the coin meant we are backing Lawrence.


Jessica Chastain – Zero Dark Thirty

Jennifer Lawrence – Silver Linings Playbook

Emmanuelle Riva – Amour

Quvenzhané Wallis – Beasts of the Southern Wild

Naomi Watts – The Impossible


BEST ACTOR: Daniel Day-Lewis



Another victory for Lincoln here, we predict, but there is some serious competition from Cooper, Jackman and Washington here. Not sure why Ben Affleck was not nominated here….


Bradley Cooper – Silver Linings Playbook

Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Hugh Jackman – Les Misérables

Joaquin Phoenix – The Master

Denzel Washington – Flight





This was a tough one for us at Elysium Towers, after throughly thinking about the possibilities of who, what and why we came up with DeNiro. He should start to prepare his third Oscar speech!


Philip Seymour Hoffman – The Master

Robert DeNiro – Silver Linings Playbook

Alan Arkin – Argo

Tommy Lee Jones – Lincoln

Christoph Waltz – Django Unchained






This is a easy one for us, Les Miserables was not the Hollywood blockbuster everyone thought it would be at the box office but the love for it in Hollywood is still strong. Hathaway did a sterling job and we are sure she will take the gold piece for her collection.


Sally Field – Lincoln

Anne Hathaway – Les Miserables

Jacki Weaver – Silver Linings Playbook

Helen Hunt – The Sessions

Amy Adams – The Master


BEST DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg


Best Director and Best Picture usually are tied but this year we can see Lincoln taking the gold here.


Steven Spielberg (Lincoln)

Ang Lee (Life of Pi)

David O. Russell (Silver Linings Playbook)

Michael Haneke (Amour)

Benh Zeitlin (Beasts of the Southern Wild)


So what did you think? Send us your thoughts on our predictions on Facebook and Twitter.

For further information about the Oscars and the full listing of nominations visit