It’s the start of London Fashion Week so what better way to kick things off than to talk about the discerning gent’s suit and tie. More to the point, let’s get Justin Timberlake to talk about his suit and tie because it’s all Tom Ford.
Yes JT is back. Causing a near internet meltdown on Valentine’s Day, JT tweeted a link to the new video for his new single ‘Suit and Tie’. He’s bringing ‘SexyBack’ by getting all dressed up for a smart date night all decked out in the latest Tom Ford. Hard liquor, dancing ladies and a cigar-smoking Jay-Z also feature in a artsy black and white video. Sadly though the frequently-mentioned “good-lookin’” lady JT refers to sadly doesn’t feature. Perhaps he’s saving the big unveil for the next video?
It’s all a prelude to JT’s eagerly awaited new album The 20/20 Experience – six years since the release of his last album. The countdown begins to its release on 19th March 2013. No doubt JT will be teasing us all in the meantime with frequent links back to his Myspace page.