Time is ticking down for your favourite advertising executive. Mad Men season 7 will be the very last dose of Don Draper for the world, or until they decide to make the movie perhaps…


What is for sure, season 7 will be the last and, as is de rigueur for final season shows these days, it will be split into two parts. So the good news is Don will have slightly longer to strut his stuff, whilst the bad news is 2015 will be the confirmed end.


As with everything Mad Men-related, details about the plot are lacking as usual. Writers of the show have been their guarded and secretive selves, giving nothing away. However this leaves space for plenty of conjecture about Don’s fate. The big questions still remain – will Don stop his adulterous ways, will his marriage and career survive and, if the promotional pictures of the new season are anything to go by, has he actually left Manhattan?



All will be revealed this spring as the first seven episodes, titled The Beginning are aired, with the last seven episodes titled The End Of An Era are scheduled for 2015.


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The seventh season of Mad Men premieres April 13th on AMC, with UK viewers having to wait three days until April 16th when it hits the screens of Sky Atlantic.