Refresh your resolve to kick old habits and create healthy new ones

So how are your New Year’s resolutions going now that we are well into 2012? It’s a known fact that our good intentions more often than not evaporate as we get caught up in the endless cycle of our daily lives. If you are trying to break a habit, it’s hardly surprising that it’s difficult to change after many years of repetition.  Or if you want to do something new, perhaps it’s fear or self-doubt  that’s getting in the way. Elysium Magazine sought some advice from Louise Carroll who discussed taking a different approach based on the principles of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which has been shown to reap long-lasting changes.


CBT is based on recognising and changing your old ingrained ways of thinking – and creating healthier new ones which help you achieve your goals. But you do have to work at it. Understanding a few basic principles is a good first step, together with trying out some simple techniques.



You can apply this principle to any area of your life:


1. Lose Weight/Eat More Healthily


2. Get Fit 


3. Quit Smoking


4. Learn Something New


5. Get Out of Debt and Save Money


6. Spend More Time with the Family




7. Travel to New Places





8. Be Less Stressed


9. Volunteer


10.  Drink Less


This is great advice to get ahead in what ever aspect of your life you feel you could improve. For more information about CBT and Louise Carroll visit her website: