The start of a new year often means change for people with New Year’s Resolutions and the lot. But as the weather becomes bleaker, our goals seem more and more impossible, and we lose motivation, it’s easy to slip back into old habits and totally give up. You may have had great intentions, but it all goes to waste if you only stick to your goals for 31 days.
But before you slip straight back into your old ways, try these tips to stay motivated all throughout the year and keeping loving and caring for yourself in the way you should!
‘Move with Us retreats’ offer unforgettable experiences for both your mind and your body; transforming perspectives and giving incredible adventures in beautiful surroundings. Here, they share 5 ways to keep your good habits well into 2020.
Write down your original reasons
This will keep you constantly reminded of how you felt in that moment and why you decided to make the changes in the first place.
Record and track your progress
Take photos and see how far you’ve already come. Changes can be hard to identify and can even be missed when they are consistent. We tend to convince ourselves it’s of no benefit or it simply is not working, but there’s often physical proof.
Set achievable and attainable goals
S.M.A.R.T goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based. Don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. Start small and work your way up to something bigger – this will keep you motivated and regularly jumping over smaller hurdles.
Reset your mindset
Being on this journey is more about having the right mindset before anything. It’s a marathon, not a sprint and this is not a quick fix it is a lifestyle change. If you have the right mindset you will achieve your goals.
Book yourself on a retreat
A wellness-focused holiday is a great way to get you excited about your lifestyle changes and give you a reward for all your efforts. Give yourself a goal to work towards and see if you can keep it up until you go on your trip.
For more information on Move with Us check out the website.