App: PayPal App






App Summary

As we continue to move towards a world where hard currency is no longer needed the discerning gent is faced with a few options. Of these, the mobile phone is increasing being utilised as the platform everyone will adopt – largely because it’s always by our side. PayPal have recently launched a new app that takes advantage of your mobile phone as a payment tool with a reassuring security measure – your face.


The Good

It works in a simple way. Before you arrive for a coffee or to get some lunch users just need to fire up the app on their smartphone and login with their password. Next tap ‘local’ to find a list of restaurants and coffee shops and ‘check-in’ to your venue. Once completed restaurants and shops will be able to see that you’re good for the bill (via your PayPal account) as well as be presented with a picture of the customer too.


At the time of payment, telling the assistant you’d like to pay via PayPal means they’ll have an iPad with them when presenting the bill. On this will be a picture of the customer (for verification), and simply pressing on it brings up a new screen with confirmation to charge the account. All swiftly done without needing a chip and pin machine. It’s as easy as that!


The Bad

The obvious security risks apply for any electronic payments but the customer image is said to greatly help prevent fraudulent use if the mobile phone is stolen. PayPal currently is not subject to the same regulations as high street banks so if any problems materialised these would need to go through the company’s system. With a bank, you’re covered financially to a certain limit and you can just pop into a branch to report any issues. Finally, the service is mainly within the food and drink sector – although there is scope for making the service more widespread.



The days of forgetting your wallet look to be a thing of the past. The convenience of the mobile phone and the fact you’re rarely without it means that life just go that little easier. PayPal is also planning to let customers pre-order food before arriving at the shop – new trends in swipe and swag beckons.


Score: 7/10


Link to download the app: Here