Entourage the movie has been sometime in the making, we have certainly enjoyed the show but it has taken sometime for the movie to actually build up some anticipation to see the team reunite.
The film picks up where the series left off, chronicling the continuing career of movie star Vincent Chase and his entourage of friends. Ari bankrolls Vince’s directorial debut with a $100 million budget which goes $15 million over. He does this by securing financing from a Texas billionaire Larsen McCredle and his son Travis. Vince continues his carefree lifestyle saying if the film fails they can just move back to Queens. Now with his own studio Ari deals with the problems of being a start up movie producer in his own Gold way.
The trailer brings back the joy you felt when Ari lost control of all emotion and vented in only the way he could. Despite the wait, we are looking forward to seeing if the movie brings a little something back to the TV series which could spark a trilogy or let it be for the goodtime we remembered.
Entourage the movie hits the big screen from 5 June 2015.