Last week we caught a glimpse of the new trailer of House of Cards, season 4, ready for Netflix in March. There isn’t much we can tell from the snippets released but we are excited to see Underwood back on our screens for more political power struggles.



Here at Elysium we are hoping that season 4 returns to the original style of House of Cards in which Kevin Spacey is able to portray the hunger for power, some of which was lost in season 3. We have no doubt this season will hit the mark, especially as the creator Beau Willimon, who was crucial to all aspects of the first four seasons, will leave the Netflix show as he feels its time to “move on” to other projects.


The good news is that season 5 is already in the works, albeit without Willimon it will be interesting to see if the show still has that element of lure and surprise. Elysium towers will certainly be looking forward to seeing what the future holds for Underwood in 2016.



House of Cards season 4 premieres on 4 March on Netflix.