Friday 11th November sees the film release of Immortals nationwide. With something so close to Elysium’s Greek mythology roots it would be wrong of us not to have a word or two about this Hollywood blockbuster.
A classic mythology story with a high calibre cast, given the golden touch by the same producers from 300, and also in 3D – so you know it’s going to be a visual masterpiece. The story sees Henry Cavill (also the next Superman, in Man of Steel ) take the lead role of Theseus, a lowly stonemason transformed into a hero that leads a band of warriors to battle. Theseus is highly vexed at the execution of his mother by King Hyperion, played with dastardly charm by Mickey Rourke, who’s rampaging army run riot through ancient Greece. Theseus vows to avenge her death and so the plot thickens.
King Hyperion has intentions to overthrow the Gods of Olympus, including great Zeus himself, to become the all-powerful overlord. However Theseus has other ideas and grows in stature as his skill and strength develop – with a little help from the gods. His quest is aided by the wise visions of oracle priestess Phaedra, played by the beautiful Freida Pinto.
There’s a great support cast from Stephen Dorff as Theseus’s loyal friend Stavros, and Luke Evans as mighty Zeus. However the main attraction to this film lies in the fantasy adventure of Greek mythology – remember the classics of Jason and the Argonauts or Clash of the Titans. There is also the addition of the legendary Minotaur (a fearsome half man, half bull-like beast) to add to excitement.
If you fancy two hours of escapism this weekend there are many worse ways you could spend it. Out nationwide from the rather unique date of 11.11.11.
Movie Trailer: