Running Man: Nike+ Fuelband SE

Wearable fitness technology is on the rise. Elysium Magazine gets a hands on review of the new Nike+ FuelBand SE to find out if it’s right for the discerning gent who likes to stay active.
Bond Fitness: The 007 Workout

Daniel Craig’s steeliness as James Bond makes him admired by men and wanted by women. Elysium Magazine takes a look at how Daniel got this way and what you can do to become more like him. Get fit like Bond!
Running For The Rush – Preparing For The London Marathon

Those of you lucky enough to bag a place at the London Marathon this April must be buzzing with excitement. The 26 mile slog around the capital is one of life’s ultimate challenges, with honour bestowed upon men brave enough to tackle such feats of physical endurance. With the London Marathon only five weeks away it’s time to get serious about your training. You’ve probably been stepping up the efforts in 2012 but additional advice and encouragement never goes amiss. Especially from those in the know…
Stretching Your Body & Mind With Yoga…On the Beach

Elysium Magazine thought to shake things up for 2012 – gone is the old mentality to just carry on with the norm. The New Year is going to be about new challenges and experiences, all in the effort to keep things interesting when it comes to exercise. This is why Elysium Magazine recommends taking the leap of faith and trying your hand (and feet) at yoga.
Keeping Fit With A Hectic Lifestyle

Does the scenario sound familiar – tight work deadlines, workloads ever-increasing, demanding social life pulling you all across town, and a loving wife or girlfriend you want to give all your time to. With all this on your plate, how the hell are you meant to keep yourself fit?