Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow, another Sci-Fi movie set in the midst of destruction on Earth – Elysium Magazine looks at what we can expect in 2014.

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Elysium Magazine looks at Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues this week, following the release of its latest trailer. Excited to see the return of Ron?

300: Rise of an Empire

Elysium Magazine previews Zack Snyder’s 300: Rise of an Empire which includes an exclusive look at the trailer.

Mandela Long Walk To Freedom

Elysium Magazine looks to another movie biopic – this time it stars the fantastic Idris Elba; Mandela – Long Walk To Freedom.


The Robocop remake trailer finally hits YouTube – thoughts on the remake? Find out what you can expect from the return of Alex Murphy.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Elysium Magazine previews The Wolf Of Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio – it promises to be an absolute classic.

The Internship

The Internship – another fantastic comedy from Wilson and Vaughn or a Google PR Movie? We look at what we can expect when the movie is release this week.


Last week we saw the release of the first trailer for the Steve Jobs movie – titled Jobs, what do you think of the movie debuting later this summer?

Pacific Rim

Elysium Magazine looks at the summer movie of 2013; Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim staring Charlie Hunnam and Idris Elba.