Rested and Recharged: Isle of Man

In pursuit of the ultimate relaxing weekend, Elysium travelled to the Isle of Man for all things chill. Check out our review of the island and our top suggestions on what to do.

Rested & Recharged: Hanbury Manor

The discerning gent continues his search for the best hotel and spas to rest and recharge. Hanbury Manor in Hertfordshire certain has the appeal – read on to find out what we thought of the Jacobean style mansion.

Rested & Recharged: The Arch London

Elysium Magazine continues its search for the luxury the discerning gent deserves in the city. This week we review The Arch Hotel in London, read to find out what we thought of our stay in one of London’s busiest areas.


We visited No. Ten Manchester Street – a designer boutique hotel based in the beautiful Marylebone. Read on to find whether the No. Ten Manchester is another recommendation for the discerning gent.