For Your Drinks Cabinet: Wester Rum

With the hot weekend coming up and the annual celebration of rum that is RumFest 2017, what better additional to the drinks cabinet than a Caribbean tipple? Except this one hails from Scotland as Wester Rum is added for the discerning gent.
For Your Drinks Cabinet: Appleton Estate Rare Blend Rum

As we all cling to the last remains of a British summer, anything that reminds the discerning gent of the summer vibes is definitely a good thing. It’s why Elysium Magazine is adding a touch of sunshine to your drinks cabinet this month…
The Discerning Gent’s Guide To Cuban Cocktails

The third in Elysium Magazine’s Cuba special, we look at the best Cuban cocktails to enjoy and where to drink them.
The Discerning Gent’s Guide To Cuba

For the discerning gent looking for adventure, relaxation, beach life and lively entertainment – Cuba has it all. It’s time to get a mojito in your hand and enjoy this exciting island in the first of Elysium Magazine’s three-part Cuba special.
Bond Style: The Drinks

Ahead of the new Skyfall film, Elysium Magazine looked to explore the realm of the famous James Bond cocktail. With the help of a leading mixologist we look at how to drink like Bond.
For Your Drinks Cabinet: Sagatiba Preciosa

As all the attention turns to Brazil as we anticipate the next World Cup and Olympics, Elysium Magazine thought it was high time we looked at what they’re bringing to the discerning gents drinks cabinet. Lets talk about Sagatiba Preciosa Cachaça.
For Your Drinks Cabinet: Bacardi Oakheart Rum

Things are getting spicy over at Elysium Towers. It’s nothing to do with a fiery meal mind, but rather a certain new alcoholic beverage. This week Elysium recommends Bacardi Oakheart Rum.
For Your Drinks Cabinet: Havana Club

The rise in temperature this week has the Elysium team feeling tropical. As such we wanted a spirit that captured the feel-good vibes of a nation that knows how to enjoy themselves in the heat. After all, discerning gents need some Cuban rumba flair too. Let Elysium introduce you to Havana Club rum.