Indestructible To The Very Last Drop – The Flask

Elysium Magazine takes a look at ‘The Flask’ from The Macallum and Oakley – an indestructible hip flask that looks as stylish as a Bond gadget and could soon be in the pocket of the discerning gent and whisky aficionado.
For Your Drinks Cabinet: Suntory Yamazaki

This week we are going to talk to you about whisky. Japanese whisky in fact. Elysium Magazine introduces you to Suntory Yamazaki 12 year old malt whisky to your drinks cabinet.
For Your Drinks Cabinet – Glenmorangie Whisky

At Elysium Magazine we’re down with tradition, so if there’s an age-old celebration to be had, we aren’t going to say no. So with the 25th January marking the merriment of Burns Night in Scotland, we thought what better way to toast the evening than with premium scotch whiskies from Glenmorangie.